Set up Rails Active Storage to use Linode Object Storage

December 30, 2023

Linode provides S3 compatible storage and it's super easy to set up in your Rails app. If you have a Linode account and want to get S3 compatible storage, simply click on Object Storage from the left hand menu from within your account and then create a bucket.

First, add the gem to your Gemfile like below.

gem "aws-sdk-s3", require: false

Then install it.

bundle install

The edit your Rails credentials file

rails credentials:edit

Then add the following to your Rails credentials file.

  access_key_id: YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-ID
  secret_access_key: YOUR-ACCESS-SECRET-KEY

You can use your existing key pairs or generate a new one specifically for your app.

Now modify your config/storage.yml to add Linode.

# config/storage.yml

  service: S3
  endpoint: #make sure to use the endpoint for your region
  access_key_id: <%= Rails.application.credentials.dig(:linode, :access_key_id) %>
  secret_access_key: <%= Rails.application.credentials.dig(:linode, :secret_access_key) %>
  region: default
  bucket: your-bucket-name
  public: true

Now you can use Linode Object Storage in production and/or development.

To use in production, edit config/environments/production.rb like this.

# config/environments/production.rb

# Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for options).
  config.active_storage.service = :linode

You can change the setting in development, as well, if you want to use your Linode bucket in favor of local storage.


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